
版块: 街头集市 跳蚤市场
物品类别: 台式机 ( 宏碁 )  " `3 T. X0 Z' |2 G
成色: 9成新
- U7 d5 i/ O  T# I- k( K价格: 950元 可议价   \  K/ T8 k& r, M% e6 g; x  e4 g
信息来源: 个人
& g( p6 I) K4 h8 B* _位置: 银川 金凤
$ g% g: g- Y) N' d6 p$ ?联系电话:13995173240          手机属地:宁夏银川 & p& C8 C" ~, E1 Q1 S; n+ B& L

6 h) r; X4 p+ H; S" @; R信息详细内容( K1 ^1 ~. ~# A* n/ _. I

3 c; V6 q6 B7 O. }9 \- n4 k电脑型号 精英 NFORCE6M-A 台式电脑
: v, W3 r! ]. t  p0 @操作系统 Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )
3 m/ S( }6 P: H- g) a6 ]& H/ U) W% S2 S& g% S- q, V( g
处理器 AMD Athlon(速龙) 64 X2 双核 4000+* Y2 F- ^9 H/ g1 g2 F8 x
主板 精英 NFORCE6M-A (Nvidia nForce 430(MCP61))! K' v  e: g/ k8 t$ B1 y, q6 ^: _; V% ~
内存 1 GB ( DDR2 800MHz )
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- M2 j3 E- E2 J显卡 Nvidia GeForce 8500GT( 512 MB / Nvidia )
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( u% c% N& Z, Z! z- |; S5 ?


Since always, in the ielts four single, speaking and writing that most Chinese students is a headache. Why will become the biggest oral "soft rib?" Many domestic language training experts say, there are two main reasons: one is to school everyday English teaching of oral practice,www.mhtkw.com lack of systems ignore professional training; 2 it is ielts preparation, oral English, it is hard to find a suitable for the specification of the review, led to the examinee away many detour.The spoken language test and the reference appendix don''t make failing
7 F# _7 s- W# O# T2 J7 D. GTo look at the two method three big way" g9 @, z: Y, v9 T0 v- y* e( k7 g8 s
Speaking to break off, first of all, the examinee to understand the ielts speaking test goal, not only examine daily life learning dialogue skills, and logical thinking ability.
5 R* E+ u1 D* MThe ielts exam, many candidates will have nothing to say
% v! P6 `' t& N, t1 M2 I7 `( I: |6 d0 a8 F. U

很精典,谢谢! 难得的好贴
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