
版块: 兴趣小组 数码天堂
编者按:人人都盼望过上幸福快活的生涯,而幸福快乐是一种感到,与贫富无关,同心坎相连。   最近两日很是烦躁,却并没有本质性的事件烦着我,可是烦躁易怒。就在这一两个小时里,大脑不停运行,想摆脱束缚,chaussure be foot,可,mercurial vapor,到底是什么在约束我我却不知道,dre beats。想一个人跳出混凝土钢筋,想尽吐胸中浑浊之气,想泛舟栖于桥下、静看小桥流水,想安坐于茶楼内、让茶香绕与五指间、神游于宇内,喜得片刻安定。 5 F# M( y! f8 i7 F3 l, w+ q( S9 i
( U2 o- W$ z: S3 P# E  一贯以为,女子该八面小巧,懂事孝敬,应如解语花温心顺情,却忽然间大逆不道,疲于应酬。我想甩,想抛,要弃了这所有,弃了如鸡肋般的亲情,如高塔般的恋情。想形单影只飘向他方,极是爱慕那些无牵无挂本走四方性格洒脱的人,可以一路走来识一路的人,却也能够走一路忘记一路的人,毫无羁绊。 
6 o& L0 g& J7 M- m& C  人若没有了期盼就不会有绝望;人若不重情分又何来伤心。人若扫兴许会恨起来,可我却发现恨了人也同时恨了自己;许会躲起来,充耳不闻,不关怀,可我又发明我烦恼仍旧;许会有别的抉择,我却没有想到有什么能让我真正开心起来。也晓得,即便我远走他方,这些让我又爱又恨的人始终是我的挂念,将会终日不安,兴许有一天会懊悔起来,foot chaussure。如此这般想来,我终是做不了洒脱的人,该寻另一条路走了。不能恨,也不能逃,tods shoes,那就去面对吧,也许我多一些宽容会让自己好受些,多给自己点勇气,焦躁的时候静一静,世上不完善的,真正潇洒的人该是那种出得世又入得世的人吧。老是深信一点,不给本人后悔的机遇终是对的。
0 j6 g+ O4 ]# w  # J0 g" Z& h3 Q' e
   漫无边际地在这个天地中浪荡跟进行损坏$ l8 m. {5 |6 v+ ?, z/ {) n! t
3 _/ f( {* D% E6 Y   “呼啦啦…呼……”一只纤弱的蝴蝶
0 D1 Y$ f; d7 }  ^4 ]( i& j3 V  
' \- p/ {  i, m$ N3 B; }   意识了性命的真正意思所在  f6 `& o  _; i/ d
8 ?, c9 s  u, b+ j; b # c$ p2 {7 G; n1 c
  The boy Scouts in America is very popular. It’s probably a bit strange for Chinese teenagers. What is that for? Actually, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated to provide a program for community organizations that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth. Specifically, the BSA endeavors6 to develop American citizens who are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit and have a keen respect for the basic rights of all people and are prepared to participate in7 and give leadership to American society and so on. And while they are in BSA, they will learn so many skills, which are very important for their future life, such as the first aid, camping, stalking skills8, equipment maintenance etc. It’s really like learning from life. And there won’t be any spoiled kids fooling around9 any more.
4 j. X1 A: E. x7 ]0 S; @4 n+ Y   Take this true story for an example, on Nov. 4, 1999, Christopher Bell, 15, heard cars crashing behind his home in Birmingham, Ala. He saw fellow Scout Doug Sweet, 18, lying in the road and called 9-1-1. Chris ran to see if he could help. After checking the area around the car, Chris determined that leaking10 fuel wasn’t dangerous. Chris borrowed a blanket from a bystander and covered Doug to keep him warm and guard against shock. An ambulance took Doug to the hospital. He suffered a severe injury to his elbow, a broken leg and a cut forehead. Life Scout Christopher Bell received a Heroism Award for the rescue.
