2010年7月31日北京麻雀瓦舍《BEIJING TAXI 北京出租》公映+刘冬虹

2010年7月31日北京麻雀瓦舍《BEIJING TAXI 北京出租》公映+刘冬虹

纪录片电影: 80分钟 (首映:2010年SXSW国际电影节)
谱曲: Stephen Ulrich, Itamar Ziegler (纽约)
   《BEIJING TAXI 北京出租》是导演王淼的第一部长片纪录电影。王淼十二岁移民到美国。毕业于美国芝加哥大学本科经济学位,后定居纽约,曾从事摄影、设计等工作。出于对电影的热爱,她考 取了美国Parsons艺术学院电影及设计研究生学位。2007年,拍摄了自己的第一部纪录短片《黄牛山》,这部纪录片在全世界20多个电影节上播放过,并曾在Dallas的亚洲电影节上获得了最...(全部) 《北京出租》:王淼作品
纪录片电影: 80分钟 (首映:2010年SXSW国际电影节)
谱曲: Stephen Ulrich, Itamar Ziegler (纽约)
   《BEIJING TAXI 北京出租》是导演王淼的第一部长片纪录电影。王淼十二岁移民到美国。毕业于美国芝加哥大学本科经济学位,后定居纽约,曾从事摄影、设计等工作。出于对电影的热爱,她考 取了美国Parsons艺术学院电影及设计研究生学位。2007年,拍摄了自己的第一部纪录短片《黄牛山》,这部纪录片在全世界20多个电影节上播放过,并曾在Dallas的亚洲电影节上获得了最佳短篇纪录片奖。王淼还曾为《国家地理杂志》 频道剪辑节目,为建筑设计师Steven Holl做过两个纪录片。她还在Maysles中当助手。(MAYSLES因为聚集了大批的有名纪录片导演而出名,被称为“纪录片导演的传奇殿堂”)
   影片讲述三个出租车司机在奥运会前的北京两年多间的点滴生活片段,以他们的视角去反映出北京为了举办奥运会所发生的一些方方面面的变化。在奥运会期间,出 租车司机是北京的窗口,他们离中国的心脏最近,他们一天14个小时都在听广播和谈话节目,这些出租车司机可以谈天说地,无所不知、无所不晓;通过出租车司 机这一个社会小层面,真实反映了北京很多独特而与众不同的气息;从某种角度来讲,出租车司机们是一个城市最好的见证。王淼从一个出国回顾人的视角来反思北京的一系列变化有一个更强的清晰度。中国变化及快的速度使住在这个环境中的大多人已经麻木。
Saturday July 31st, 2010, 7pm
Film Screening | Q&A with Director Miao Wang | Live Music
电影放映 |座谈 |现场演出
票价:50元 学生票40元
36 Guangqu Lu, Chaoyang District, East House (opposite Carrefour Shuangjing) Red Dot Art Factory
北京朝阳区广渠路36号院东院 (双井家乐福正对面 幸福贝贝楼后)红点艺术工厂内
(Subway 地铁: Shuangjing 双井)
BEIJING TAXI: http://www.beijingtaxithefilm.com
DOUBAN 豆瓣: http://movie.douban.com/subject/2156996/
MAKO LIVE: http://www.mako001.com/
PRESS/REVIEWS 电影评论 http://www.beijingtaxithefilm.com/press.html
Beijing Taxi - A Film by Miao Wang
Beijing Taxi vividly portrays modern-day China through a humanistic lens, documenting a profound transformation in an era of Olympic transitions. The intimate lives of three Beijingers connect a morphing cityscape and a lyrical journey through fragments of a society riding a bumpy road to modernization.
Soundtrack featuring Beijing bands: Sand, Sound Fragment, Miserable Faith
Original Score: Stephen Ulrich, Itamar Ziegler (NY)
Documentary: 80 minutes (Official Selection: 2010 SXSW Film Festival)
Beijing Taxi screening followed by Q&A with director Miao Wang.
Liu Donghong from Sand will do a live performance after the film screening and Q&A.
BEIJING TAXI is a feature-length documentary that vividly portrays the ancient capital of China undergoing a profound transformation. The intimate lives of three taxi drivers are seen through a humanistic lens as they navigate a quickly morphing city, confronting modern issues and changing values. The three protagonists radiate a warm sense of humanity despite the struggles that each faces in adapting to new realities of life in the modern city. With stunning imagery of Beijing and a contemporary score rich in atmosphere, BEIJING TAXI communicates a visceral sense of the common citizens’ persistent attempts to grasp the elusive. The 2008 Summer Olympic Games serve as the backdrop for BEIJING TAXI's story, a coming out party for a rising nation and a metaphor for Chinese society and its struggles to reconcile enormous contradictions while adjusting to a new capitalist system that can seem foreign to some in the Communist-ruled and educated society. Candid and perceptive in its filming approach and highly cinematic and moody in style, BEIJING TAXI takes us on a lyrical journey through fragments of a society riding the bumpy roads to modernization. Though its destination unknown, the drivers continue to forge ahead.

Miao Wang is a filmmaker currently splitting her time between NY and Beijing. Born and raised in Beijing just after the Cultural Revolution, she grew up with the last remnants of a pre-modernized Communist China. She immigrated to the US at the age of 12. Miao absorbed inspiration from the legendary Albert Maysles while working as an apprentice at Maysles Films. As an editor, she has edited programs for National Geographic TV, and videos for renowned architect Steven Holl. In 2004, Miao founded her independent film production company Three Waters Productions, where she seeks to make genre-bending creative and cinematic documentaries that inspire human connections and reflect on the universalities of the human condition. Her first award-winning half-hour documentary film, Yellow Ox Mountain (2006), which she directed, produced and edited, is an insightful look at the impact of China’s Cultural Revolution on two Chinese contemporary artists based in New York. It has screened at over 20 film festivals and institutions worldwide. Miao is currently touring with her first feature-length film, BEIJING TAXI, which had its world premiere at the prestigious SXSW Film Festival in March 2010. She captures Beijing from the unique point of view of an emigrant Beijinger carrying the perspectives of both a native and an outsider. Miao has been awarded a grant from the Sundance Institute Documentary Fund (2007), the Jerome Foundation (2008), and the New York State Council for the Arts (2009), for BEIJING TAXI. She is also supported by IFP, the Tribeca Film Institute, and Women Make Movies. Miao has a B.A. with honors in economics from the University of Chicago and a M.F.A. in design and film from the Parsons School of Design
"Beijing Taxi: An Outstanding Ride" – Huffington Post
“Evocative” – The Wall Street Journal Speakeasy
"Strikingly gorgeous... revelatory... It's not just valuable for the record, it's elegant in the process." – Greencine
"Rich and culturally challenging" – The Austin Chronicle
"Quiet, beautiful, contemplative" – Austinist
BEIJING TAXI http://www.beijingtaxithefilm.com
DOUBAN http://movie.douban.com/subject/2156996/
FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/BeijingTaxi
TWITTER https://twitter.com/beijingtaxifilm
