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2006年5月13日,来自加拿大安大略的另类金属乐队Three Days Grace发行了第二张正式录音室专辑《One - X》。《One - X》在上市后首周的销量达到7万8千张,名列本周Billboard 200专辑榜第六位,创造了Three Days Grace专辑最高的单周销量纪录。Three Days Grace乐队的首张专辑是2003年7月发行的同名专辑《Three Days Grace》,首周仅排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第69位。但到目前为止,这张《Three Days Grace》的总销量已经达到了120万张。
I\'m coming home just to be alone
\'Cause I know you\'re not there
and I know that you don\'t care
I can hardly wait, to leave this place
No matter how hard I try,
you\'re never satisfied
This is not a home,
I think I\'m better off alone
You always disappear
even when you\'re here
This is not my home
I think I\'m better off alone
This house is not a home.
By the time you come home
I\'m already stoned
You turn off the TV
and you scream at me
I can hardly wait
until you get off my case

高三的时候死喜欢这乐队,你发的这歌是第一张专辑里的。我更喜欢那〈i hate everything about you 〉
