【AST预热视频】Pierre-Luc Gagnon (PLG)


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  • Pierre-Luc Gagnon (PLG)

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 155 lbs
  • 生日:1980 .5.2  加拿大蒙特利尔人
  • Family: single

  • Started Skating: 1988
  • Started Competing: 1992
  • Turned Pro: 1997
  • Favored Discipline: Vert
  • 赞助: Darkstar / Monster Sports Drink / Osiris
  • 站位: Regular
  • Setup: Darkstar pro model deck, Darkstar 59mm wheels, Anex 149 trucks. For X Games Big Air: 215 trucks and 62mm wheels.

Pierre-Luc Gagnon Skateboarding Style and Strengths: Pierre-Luc Gagnon is a consistent powerhouse skateboarder who pulls off spins and complicated tricks one after another while high above the coping. Pierre-Luc Gagnon is innovative and highly technical, which is how he has come so far so quickly. Pierre-Luc Gagnon also feeds off of the audience. In an interview for SBC (spring 2005), PLG says, "When you are trying new tricks you need someone there to motivate you. Giving up or landing a trick can sometimes depend on who's yelling at you."
Pierre-Luc Gagnon Favorite / Signature Skateboarding Tricks: In his X Games 11 interview, Pierre-Luc Gagnon says his favorite tricks are, "Flip tricks for sure!"
Pierre-Luc Gagnon Skateboarding Career Highlights:
2002 - won 2 gold medals at X Games (Vert and Vert Best Trick)
2003 - featured video part in Osiris - Subject to Change
2004 - won 3 silver medals at X Games (Vert, Vert Best Trick, Big Air)
2005 - Featured video part for Digital Media (June)
2005 - won first at Tampa Pro (Vert Best Trick)
2005 - won first at LG Action Sports competitions in both Munich and Paris (Vert)
2005 - won bronze, silver and gold medals at X Games (Vert Best Trick, Big Air, Vert)
2005 - won first at Slam City Jam (vert)

Pierre-Luc Gagnon Personal History: Pierre-Luc Gagnon grew up in Boucherville, on the south shore of Montreal, Canada. His parents gave him his first skateboard for his 8th birthday in 1988, and his dad built him an 8-foot ramp in the backyard to skate on. In 1992, Pierre-Luc Gagnon's father bought a skatepark in Boucherville, and that same year Pierre began to compete in skateboarding. His dad sold the park in 1998, one year after Pierre-Luc Gagnon turned pro. Pierre now owns a home in Carlsbad, but still calls Montreal home.
Pierre-Luc Gagnon Interesting Fact: Pierre-Luc Gagnon's first language is French
Pierre-Luc Gagnon Quote: "Just have fun. Keep doing what they are doing, have fun skating, and be original." Read more in the Pierre-Luc Gagnon Interview.


