
版块: 宁夏街盟 HipHop 说唱
<strong><font size="4">2pac语录<br/><br/></font></strong><span style="FONT-SIZE: 12px;"><br/><font size="4"><strong><img src="http://bbs.0451.net/include/newbbs1/pics/12_283363_0.jpg" border="0" alt=""/><br/></strong>From baidu 贴吧。。。翻译的一般。。。多看看原文吧。。。<br/>"It\'s not about east or west, it\'s about niggaz and bitches, power and money, riderz and punks!"<br/>这不关於东岸或是西岸,而是关於兄弟和女人,权利和金钱,领导者和卒仔.......<br/> <br/>"I\'d rather die than be a convict."<br/>我宁愿死也不愿做个囚犯......<br/> <br/>"Best to take what you need, but don\'t be greedy."<br/>你最好可以去取得你所想要的,不过别太贪心.......<br/> <br/>"Money over bitches!"<br/>金钱胜过女人.......<br/> <br/>"I\'d rather die like a man, than live like a coward!"<br/>我宁愿死的像个男人,也不愿活著像个懦夫.......<br/> <br/>"I see no changes, all I see is racist faces." <br/>我看不到改变,我所看到的就只有一个又一个种族歧视的面孔.......<br/> <br/>"Cops give a damn about a negro, pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he\'s a hero!" <br/>警察不在乎黑人,他扣上板机,杀了一个黑人,於是他就成了一个英雄.......<br/> <br/>"I\'m tired of being poor and even worse I\'m black!"<br/>我已经厌烦生存在贫困中不过更糟的是我是一个黑人......<br/> <br/>"I\'d rather be dead than a po\' nigga." <br/>我宁愿死,也不愿做一个穷鬼.......<br/> <br/>"The only way to change me is maybe blow my brains out." <br/>唯一能改变我的方法,大概是把我的头打爆......<br/> <br/>"I turned to a life of crime, cause I came from a broken family."<br/>我之所以背著一生的罪行,起因於我来自一个破裂的家庭.......<br/> <br/>"You muthafuckaz don\'t know me."<br/>你们这群混帐王八蛋,全都不了解我.......<br/> <br/>"I love my east coast fans. I\'m from there. I\'m eating New York Pizza, <br/>I drive New York jeeps but I\'m saying let\'s keep it real for a second.<br/>If you\'re half the lover of music that you are, go back and study.<br/>Study how Party And Bullshit was me." <br/>我爱我东岸的歌迷,我是从东岸来的.我吃纽约的比萨,我开纽约的<br/>吉普车, 但我的意思是,讲真的...如果你对音乐是一半的热衷,那你最好回去再学习...... (2pac是著名的西岸说唱歌手,在他的年代,东岸和西岸是敌对着的) <br/> <br/>"Why isn\'t it hip-hop when I do it? Everybody else can have a beef within <br/>the music, talk about differences and it\'s ok. It\'s music, it\'s hip-hop, it\'s groundbreaking. When I do it, it\'s war." <br/>为什麼我唱的时候不像是 hip-hop ? 每一个人在音乐里都能够有自己的一席之地,自己的主见,说些觉得不同的地方.然而这没错. 这是音乐,是 hip-hop, 是创造出来的,但当我唱的时候----- 这是一场战争......<br/> <br/>"My words are weapons and I\'m stepping to the silence, but you, claim that I\'m violent."<br/>我的言语是武器,我一步一步走向沉默....不过你们这群家伙,却一直说我是个暴力分子.......<br/> <br/>"Don\'t wanna commit murder, but damn they got me trapped."<br/>我不想行凶,但我他妈的掉进了他们的设的陷阱里.......<br/> <br/>"I\'m down for all my homies, no mercy for a stranger."<br/>我对我的兄弟很好,不过我对不熟悉的人从不仁慈.......<br/> <br/>"Instead of livin sad in jail I coulda died free and happy." <br/>在监狱的我可以死的自由和快乐总比悲伤的活著好.......<br/> <br/>"I don\'t drop a dime to God bout the crimes <br/>he\'s commitin on the poor, and how can these people judge me?" <br/>我不向上帝抱怨关於他在穷人身上降的罪,你们这些人又有什麼资格审判我.......<br/>"I live in fear of a felony." <br/>我活在背负重罪的恐惧中.......<br/> <br/>"Now when I say Pig, you say B-I-G, when I say Bad Boy Killa then you say ME,<br/>when I say Puffy is a punk, you scream word on my life." <br/>现在当我说猪,你就说B-I-G.当我说坏孩子杀手,你就说我.当我说Puffy是一个王八蛋时,那我知道我们是可以谈的来的....... (BIG和PUFFY都是东岸的说唱歌手,BAD BOY则是他们的厂牌,也就是唱片公司。2PAC的年代里,他们似乎有什么深仇大恨似的。据说BIG在1996年派人暗杀了2PAC,而一年后,他也被暗杀了) <br/> <br/>"When you see me, label me a threat to society, but I ain\'t quitin."<br/>当你看到我时,就把我认定为我会危害到这个社会,不过我是不会停止的.......<br/> <br/>"I\'ll destroy everything you touch, play the game nigga, all out warfare, eye for an eye." <br/>我会摧毁你所碰触过的一切事物,一起玩个游戏吧,兄弟...以眼还眼,通通都开战吧.......<br/> <br/>"God don\'t like ugly, It Was Written. Hey Nas your whole damn style is weak!"<br/>上帝不喜欢丑陋的东西,这句话是有证实的..嘿!Nas你的他妈的整个风格是虚弱劣等的....... (NAS是纽约的说唱歌手) <br/>"I only hang out with the criminals and the drug dealers." <br/>我只跟罪犯和贩毒者鬼混.......<br/> <br/>"My main thing was to be major paid"<br/>我最在乎的就是去得到大量的利益.......<br/> <br/>"The feds is watchin\', niggas plottin\' to get me will I survive, will I die, come on lets picture the possibilities."<br/>利益正被窥视著,黑鬼们正阴谋计划著让我活著,或是死去....来吧,来猜看看可能性有多大.......<br/> <br/>"The money is mandatory, the hoes is fully strapped." <br/>金钱可以命令一切.......<br/> <br/>"Life as a rap star is nothin without heart." <br/>人生就如同一个饶舌明星,如果没有用心得话就什麼都不是了......<br/> <br/>"These niggaz is jealous cause deep in they hearts they wanna be me." <br/>这些黑鬼们打从心底的妒忌我的,因为他们想要成为我.......<br/>"It was my only wish to rise, above these jealous coward muther****ers I despise." <br/>我唯一的愿望就是要出名, 高过那些我瞧不起的胆小干他妈的的王八蛋.......<br/> <br/>"Fuck peace and the police." <br/>去他的和平和警察.......<br/> <br/>"I been hesitant to reappear, been away for years!" <br/>离开的这几年来我犹豫不决直到我再出现.......<br/> <br/>"My young niggaz, stay away from the dumb niggaz. Put down your guns and have some fun nigga!"<br/>我年轻的兄弟们,避开那些混帐.....放下你们的枪,好好的去享乐吧.......<br/> <br/>"I feel as though what\'s done in the dark will come to light"<br/>我感觉好像说那些原本不为人知的事将会有有一天真相大白.......<br/> <br/>"West Poppin\' "<br/>西岸震撼.......<br/> <br/>"I\'m convinced that I\'m a thug." <br/>我相信我是一个黑帮分子.......<br/> <br/>"Call me a bad boy killer."<br/>叫我坏孩子杀手.......<br/> <br/>"When my heart can beat no more I hope I die for a principle or a belief that I have lived for." <br/>当我心脏停止时,我希望我是为了一原理或一信仰在一个我曾经居住过的地方而死去.......<br/> <br/>" I dont give a fuck" <br/>我不在乎....... (这个经典,什么时候都可以用,很多人的口头禅) <br/> <br/>"My only fear of death is coming back reincarnated" <br/>我对死亡唯一的惧怕就是再转世到这个世上来.......</font></span><font size="4">

