
版块: 生活服务 电脑数码
该诊断报告由360安全卫士提供 http://www.360.cn
诊断时间: 2008-05-30  16:24:40
诊断平台: Microsoft Windows XP  Service Pack 2
IE版本: Internet Explorer V7.0.5730.13 Build:75730
计算机物理内存:1023.48MB - 当前可用内存:459.66MB

100 - 未知 - Process: RavMonD.exe [Rising Realtime Moniter] - D:\瑞星\RISING\RAV\ravmond.exe -step
100 - 未知 - Process: rfwsrv.exe [Rising Personal FireWall Service] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rfw\rfwsrv.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: rfwProxy.exe [Rising Personal Proxy Service] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rfw\rfwProxy.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: rfwstub.exe [Rising Personal FireWall Service Rfwstub ] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rfw\rfwstub.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: RavStub.exe [Rising RavStub] - D:\瑞星\RISING\RAV\RavStub.exe /RAVMOND=1023
100 - 未知 - Process: AmdHpSrv.exe [AMD-813x Hot-Plug Service] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\AmdHpSrv.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: stormliv.exe [暴风影音媒体控制中心] - D:\Storm3\stormliv.exe /asservice
100 - 未知 - Process: rfwmain.exe [Rising Personal FireWall Main Program] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rfw\RfwMain.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: RavTask.exe [RavTimer] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rav\RavTask.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: RavMon.exe [Rising realtime monitor shell] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rav\Ravmon.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: QQ.exe [] -
100 - 未知 - Process: TXPlatform.exe [TM2008] - D:\QQ\TXPlatform.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: QQ.exe [] -
100 - 未知 - Process: FetionFx.exe [Fetion 2008] - D:\Fetion\FetionFX.exe
100 - 未知 - Process: Thunder5.exe [Thunder] - D:\迅雷\Program\Thunder5.exe
R0 - 未知 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page=http://www.google.com
R1 - 未知 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL=about:blank
R1 - 未知 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar=http://ie.search.msn.com/{SUB_RFC1766}/srchasst/srchasst.htm
R1 - 未知 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar=http://www.google.com/ie
R1 - 未知 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Use Search Asst=no
O2 - 未知 - BHO: (ThunderAtOnce Class) - [迅雷浏览器高级特性支持模块] - {01443AEC-0FD1-40fd-9C87-E93D1494C233} - D:\迅雷\ComDlls\TDAtOnce_Now.dll
O8 - 未知 - Extra context menu item: 使用迅雷下载 - D:\迅雷\Program\GetUrl.htm
O8 - 未知 - Extra context menu item: 使用迅雷下载全部链接 - D:\迅雷\Program\GetAllUrl.htm
O8 - 未知 - Extra context menu item: 添加到QQ表情 - D:\QQ\AddEmotion.htm
O9 - 未知 - Extra button: IE7Pro Preferences(HKLM) - D:\IEPro\IEPro.dll
O9 - 未知 - Extra button: 启动迅雷5(HKLM) - D:\迅雷\Thunder.exe
O11 - 未知 - Options Group: 中文上网_0
O15 - 未知 - Trusted Zone: jujumao.2345.com
O15 - 未知 - Trusted Zone: *.jujumao.cn
O15 - 未知 - Trusted Zone: *.jujumao.com
O15 - 未知 - Trusted Zone: bt.jujumao.com
O15 - 未知 - Trusted Zone: down.jujumao.com
O15 - 未知 - Trusted Zone: *.zbiy.com
O16 - 未知 - DPF: {1DABF8D5-8430-4985-9B7F-A30E53D709B3} (InstallHelper) - http://cache.tv.qq.com/qqlive_ocx/QQLiveInstaller.cab
O16 - 未知 - DPF: {2375BEE5-F175-4F1C-81EC-8E4E2E72E2DD} (PhotoDraw) - http://imgcache.qq.com/qzone/cli ... QPhotoDrawSetup.exe
O16 - 未知 - DPF: {488A4255-3236-44B3-8F27-FA1AECAA8844} (EditCtrl) - https://img.alipay.com/download/1101/aliedit.cab
O16 - 未知 - DPF: {5EC7C511-CD0F-42E6-830C-1BD9882F3458} (PowerPlayer Control) - http://download.ppstream.com/hz/powerplayer_isp.cab
O16 - 未知 - DPF: {8686F2A6-DC01-4E8F-BDE3-DCC7DBBAD6AE} (163Uploader Control) - http://photo.163.com/163Uploader.cab
O16 - 未知 - DPF: {BF8C499A-AC6E-4F58-82EA-9E5FCC41C34B} (PicUploadCtrl) - http://tb.sogou.com/PicUpload.cab?pp
O16 - 未知 - DPF: {E787FD25-8D7C-4693-AE67-9406BC6E22DF} (PasswordEditCtrl) - https://www.tenpay.com/download/qqedit.cab
O18 - 未知 - Protocol: KuGoo - {6AC4FBC7-AA38-45EC-9634-D6D20B679EFC} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\KuGoo3DownXControl.ocx
O18 - 未知 - Protocol: KuGoo3 - {6AC4FBC7-AA38-45EC-9634-D6D20B679EFC} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\KuGoo3DownXControl.ocx
O22 - 未知 - Filename Extention: .hlp - winhlp32.exe %1
O23 - 未知 - Service: AmdShpcSrv [Provides user-mode services for the AMD-813x Bus-Filter Driver] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\AmdHpSrv.exe - (running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: ccosm [Contrl Center of Storm Media] - D:\Storm3\stormliv.exe /asservice - (running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: ewido security suite control [ewido security suite control] -  - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: ewido security suite guard [ewido security suite guard] -  - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: gusvc [Google Updater Service] - "C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe" - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: idsvc [Securely enables the creation, management, and disclosure of digital identities.] - "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\infocard.exe" - (error)
O23 - 未知 - Service: mnmsrvc [使授权用户能够通过使用 NetMeeting 跨企业 intranet 远程访问此计算机。如果此服务被停用,远程桌面服务将不可用。如果此服务被禁用,任何依赖它的服务将无法启动。] -  - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: NetTcpPortSharing [Provides ability to share TCP ports over the net.tcp protocol.] - "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\SMSvcHost.exe" - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: RfwProxySrv [Rising Personal Proxy Service] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rfw\rfwProxy.exe - (running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: RfwService [Rising Personal Firewall Service] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rfw\rfwsrv.exe - (running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: RsCCenter [Rising Process Communication Center] - "D:\瑞星\Rising\Rav\CCenter.exe" - (running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: RsRavMon [Rising RealTime Monitor] - "D:\瑞星\RISING\RAV\Ravmond.exe" - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: SaService [SyGateService] -  - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: seictrl [控制系统安全设置和配置。] - c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe rp_engine.dll,scan - (not running)
O23 - 未知 - Service: 木马清除大师实时监控 [木马清除大师实时监控,调配和管理实时监控资源] - D:\木马清除大师2008\BeatTrojanSvc.exe - (not running)
O28 - 未知 - IELINK: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\「开始~1\程序\附件\系统工具\INTERN~2.LNK -  -extoff
O30 - 未知 - HKCU\..\Desktop: [Scrnsave.exe] [Marquee Screen Saver] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ssmarque.scr

100 - 安全 - Process: smss.exe [进程为会话管理子系统用以初始化系统变量,ms-dos驱动名称类似lpt1以及com,调用win32壳子系统和运行在windows登陆过程。] - C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: csrss.exe [客户端服务子系统,用以控制windows图形相关子系统。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=base
100 - 安全 - Process: winlogon.exe [windows nt用户登陆程序。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: services.exe [用于管理windows服务系统进程。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: lsass.exe [本地安全权限服务控制windows安全机制。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: ati2evxx.exe [ati显卡相关后台程序。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost -k DcomLaunch
100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost -k rpcss
100 - 安全 - Process: CCenter.exe [瑞星杀毒软件控制台相关程序。] - D:\瑞星\Rising\Rav\CCenter.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService
100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalService
100 - 安全 - Process: spoolsv.exe [windows打印任务控制程序,用以打印机就绪。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: explorer.exe [windows program manager或者windows explorer用于控制windows图形shell,包括开始菜单、任务栏,桌面和文件管理。] - C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
100 - 安全 - Process: SafeBoxTray.exe [360安全卫士保险箱相关程序。] - C:\Program Files\360Safebox\SafeBoxTray.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: ctfmon.exe [office xp输入法图标。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k imgsvc
100 - 安全 - Process: alg.exe [这是一个应用层网关服务用于网络共享。] - C:\WINDOWS\System32\alg.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: 360tray.exe [360安全卫士实时保护模块] - D:\360safe\safemon\360tray.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: AntiArp.exe [360ARP防火墙] - D:\360safe\AntiArp\AntiArp.exe /start
100 - 安全 - Process: iexplore.exe [microsoft internet explorer浏览器用于浏览网页。] - C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: wuauclt.exe [windows操作系统后台程序,用于系统升级。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe
100 - 安全 - Process: 360Safe.exe [360安全卫士] - D:\360safe\360Safe.exe
R0 - 安全 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL=http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896
R1 - 安全 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page=about:blank
R1 - 安全 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page=about:blank
O2 - 安全 - BHO: (Thunder Browser Helper) - [迅雷附带下载监视器相关文件。] - {889D2FEB-5411-4565-8998-1DD2C5261283} - D:\迅雷\ComDlls\xunleiBHO_Now.dll
O3 - 安全 - Toolbar: (卡卡上网安全助手) - [卡卡安全助手工具条软件相关程序。] - {DB9ECD4F-FB8F-4311-B3CE-90B976C2707C} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\kakatool.dll
O4 - 安全 - HKLM\..\Run: [RavTask] [瑞星杀毒软件的任务计划程序。] "D:\瑞星\Rising\Rav\RavTask.exe" -system
O4 - 安全 - HKLM\..\Run: [360Safebox] [360安全卫士保险箱相关程序。] "C:\Program Files\360Safebox\SafeBoxTray.exe" /r
O4 - 安全 - HKLM\..\Run: [360Antiarp] [360安全卫士ARP防火墙相关程序。] D:\360safe\antiarp\antiarp.exe /start
O4 - 安全 - HKLM\..\Run: [360Safetray] [360safe实时保护功能模块。] D:\360safe\safemon\360Tray.exe /start
O4 - 安全 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] [office xp输入法图标。] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - 安全 - Startup folder: [QQ游戏启动加速程序.lnk] [qq游戏启动加速相关程序。] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\「开始」菜单\程序\启动\QQ游戏启动加速程序.lnk
O8 - 安全 - Extra context menu item: 导出到 Microsoft Office Excel(&X) - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
O11 - 安全 - Options Group: International*
O16 - 安全 - DPF: {0CA54D3F-CEAE-48AF-9A2B-31909CB9515D} (招商银行个人版) - https://site.cmbchina.com/download/CMBEdit.cab
O16 - 安全 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Flash播放器) - http://fpdownload2.macromedia.co ... s/flash/swflash.cab
O16 - 安全 - DPF: {E4E2F180-CB8B-4DE9-ACBB-DA745D3BA153} (瑞星免费在线查毒插件) - http://download.rising.com.cn/re ... cver2007/OL2006.cab
O18 - 安全 - Protocol: OFFICE 相关 - {807553E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\MSOXMLMF.DLL
O21 - 安全 - Protocol Icons: HKCR\http\shell\open\command - "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" "%1"
O23 - 安全 - Service: Adobe LM Service [adobe公司相关产品的许可服务程序。] - "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe Systems Shared\Service\Adobelmsvc.exe" - (not running)
O23 - 安全 - Service: Ati HotKey Poller [ati显卡相关后台程序。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe - (running)
O23 - 安全 - Service: ATI Smart [是一个ati图形显示卡驱程的相关进程。] - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2sgag.exe - (not running)
O25 - 安全 - ABOUT: DesktopItemNavigationFailure - res://ieframe.dll/navcancl.htm
O25 - 安全 - ABOUT: NavigationCanceled - res://ieframe.dll/navcancl.htm
O25 - 安全 - ABOUT: NavigationFailure - res://ieframe.dll/navcancl.htm
O25 - 安全 - ABOUT: OfflineInformation - res://ieframe.dll/offcancl.htm
O25 - 安全 - ABOUT: PostNotCached - res://ieframe.dll/repost.htm


O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {42071714-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3} - deskpan.dll -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: 无效的CLSID:Shell extensions for file compression -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: 无效的CLSID:加密上下文菜单 -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {0DF44EAA-FF21-4412-828E-260A8728E7F1} -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {00E7B358-F65B-4dcf-83DF-CD026B94BFD4} -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {7A9D77BD-5403-11d2-8785-2E0420524153} -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {143A62C8-C33B-11D1-84FE-00C04FA34A14} - C:\WINDOWS\msagent\AgentPsh.dll - Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Agent Property Sheet Handler - - 36864 - b4ac608ebf5a8fdefa2d635e83b7c0e8
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {B41DB860-8EE4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} - C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rarext.dll -  -  -  - 127488 - c97844f70cb004b4de641c6f45cbbd01
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444553540000} - C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static\atiacmxx.dll -  - ACE Context Menu - - 73728 - 3a9f70479a886dcc8e5151326156472d
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {BB2B9804-F3E0-4267-BF20-F8E173771F37} -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: 无效的CLSID:CorelDRAW Shell Extension Component -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {24BA04A9-97F7-4744-ABE9-8DF91792B9B5} -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - Directory Menu: {57BD36D7-CE32-4600-9B1C-1A0C47EFC02E} -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - Directory Menu: {24BA04A9-97F7-4744-ABE9-8DF91792B9B5} -  -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - Directory Menu: {B41DB860-8EE4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} - C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rarext.dll -  -  -  - 127488 - c97844f70cb004b4de641c6f45cbbd01
O31 - 未知 - BootExecute:  bsmain -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - LSA: Authentication Packages - wprovau.dll -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - LSA: Security Packages - sv1_0.dll -  -  -  - 0 -
O31 - 未知 - LSA: Security Packages - channel.dll -  -  -  - 0 -


O40 - Explorer.EXE -  - C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static\atiacmxx.dll - ACE Context Menu - 3a9f70479a886dcc8e5151326156472d
O40 - Explorer.EXE - 北京暴风网际科技有限公司 - D:\Storm3\spfa.dll - 暴风影音播放组件 - df18b1f4d8c9204c89b97585e88dd2f1
O40 - Explorer.EXE - Thunder Networking Technologies,LTD - D:\迅雷\Components\ResWorker\DsBho_01.dll - DsBho - c6a95d33ddf379f1a2d529e4b9b9097e
O40 - Explorer.EXE - Thunder Networking Technologies,LTD - D:\迅雷\Components\ResWorker\DataProcessor_01.dll - DataProcessor - 6004ea2dc5a0ebabc033736df50c0430


O41 - AmdPCI - AMD-813x Bus-Filter Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\AmdPci32.sys - (running) - AMD-813x Bus-Filter Driver - AMD, Inc. - 37b7d30cbab321ec0f78c63e09540b5e
O41 - npkcrypt - nProtect KeyCrypt Driver - G:\冒险岛\npkcrypt.sys - (running) - nProtect KeyCrypt Driver - INCA Internet Co., Ltd. - db56cf603a61bebfe031cfb3c95db816
O41 - PnpWmkDrv - 完美卸载 Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\PnpWmkDrv.sys - (running) - 完美卸载 Driver - Windows (R) 2000 DDK provider - 5b3e48cf6941759c6391dd79b83dcbfe
O41 - PSXGamepadEnabler - Psxpad Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\psxpad.sys - (running) - Psxpad Driver - Y.Kimura - 56e14350f6053bd8e1a3178957a60367
O41 - PsxPortEnumerator - Psx Port Enumerator - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\psxenum.sys - (running) - Psx Port Enumerator - Y.Kimura - 2d5ce343b69c4feb29dba79fa77c33ee
O41 - PxHelp20 - Px Engine Device Driver for Windows 2000/XP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\pxhelp20.sys - (running) - Px Engine Device Driver for Windows 2000/XP - Sonic Solutions - f7bb4e7a7c02ab4a2672937e124e306e
O41 - RRamdisk - Ramdisk Driver for win2k/xp/2k3 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rramdisk.sys - (running) - Ramdisk Driver for win2k/xp/2k3 - gavotte - 3762a37c7ddd4afce6bd75aef790a920
楼主  2008-5-30 16:24:02

显示全部楼层 回复

O41 - RsAntiSpyware - Anti-RootKit Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\RsBoot.sys - (running) - Anti-RootKit Driver - Beijing Rising Technology Co., Ltd. - f9edc97f228c046832a24b5a76017912
O41 - Sense3 - SENSE3 Driver for NT - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sense3.sys - (running) - SENSE3 Driver for NT - Beijing Senselock - 4bb37e1f9822296433b5fc5bc104d813
O41 - Sentinel - Sentinel System Driver (NT Parallel driver) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sentinel.sys - (running) - Sentinel System Driver (NT Parallel driver) - Rainbow Technologies, Inc. - aebba7428a6c40cce3c5abde45190b24
O41 - sysHostSvc - Gui Helper api - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\GuiHelp.sys - (running) - Gui Helper api - Microsoft Corporation - 99a87b164f509db7976fbd4b8f0aa338
O41 - WG1N - wgxn - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\WG1N.sys - (running) - wgxn - Sygate Technologies, Inc. - 5137ab429b14f8077799cef8419a3d53
O41 - WG2N - wgxn - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\WG2N.sys - (running) - wgxn - Sygate Technologies, Inc. - b2a37c365b3b878cba1fb5246eda0953
O41 - wg4n - wgxn - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wg4n.sys - (running) - wgxn - Sygate Technologies, Inc. - 99fc9eb1c6ffe692edf923c55a5cab18
O41 - wg5n - wgxn - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wg5n.sys - (running) - wgxn - Sygate Technologies, Inc. - 32e06566d941e6370c69ee6042248f75
O41 - wg6n - wgxn - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wg6n.sys - (running) - wgxn - Sygate Technologies, Inc. - 650daeec43aa9f0dadf10a8217df0110
O41 - Wsdrv - wsdrv - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Wsdrv.sys - (running) - wsdrv - SyberGen Networks, Inc. - 62153c30e93e16bd3a6321c8b758332b
O41 - 004840f2 - 004840f2 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\004840f2.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - 2310_00 - RR231x/230x Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\2310_00.sys - (not running) - RR231x/230x Miniport Driver - HighPoint Technologies, Inc. - 0dc1ae59d45a03c1cf20f844fbb2ab9c
O41 - 3wareDrv - 3wareDrv - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\3wareDrv.sys - (not running) -  -  - cc4d4aa525beb3d740e346719387d95c
O41 - 3waregsm - 3ware Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\3waregsm.sys - (not running) - 3ware Miniport Driver - 3ware, Inc. - 1726340c97d99a2102e40f174ee10b94
O41 - 3wDrv100 - 3wDrv100 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\3wDrv100.sys - (not running) -  -  - fb9f87141569538e06b3ec7396fd33ab
O41 - 3wFlt100 - 3wFlt100 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\3wFlt100.sys - (not running) -  -  - 4746cbb41e50adfa55167c5143c4d36b
O41 - aaatimeo - SRB Timout Control Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aaatimeo.sys - (not running) - SRB Timout Control Driver - Microsoft Corporation - 700eedfd930871e73999e86e86b6e2e4
O41 - aac - Adaptec RAID Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aac.sys - (not running) - Adaptec RAID Miniport Driver - Adaptec, Inc. - 568121a3ecdb569ebcafad40c9ee8844
O41 - aarich - Adaptec hostRAID for Serial ATA - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aarich.sys - (not running) - Adaptec hostRAID for Serial ATA - Adaptec, Inc. - 082de506b9f4fb9f44066a7a04f5549a
O41 - aec6210 - aec6210 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aec6210.sys - (not running) -  - ACARD Technology Corp. - 38e6c035e89fb8b079301e71b2523f3d
O41 - aec6260 - ID=0006, 0007 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aec6260.sys - (not running) - ID=0006, 0007 - ACARD Technology Corp. - db227bd0ba1f29bb38950f8fd97caa35
O41 - aec6280 - AEC6280 Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aec6280.sys - (not running) - AEC6280 Miniport Driver - ACARD Technology Corp. - 71c3ab81b22c151a2e2ba97ec53430ca
O41 - AEC6880 - AEC6880/90 PCI Ultra ATA133 RAID Adapter Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\AEC6880.sys - (not running) - AEC6880/90 PCI Ultra ATA133 RAID Adapter Driver - ACARD Technology Corp. - 415f252cee34bbf839acbcadb2bc85ce
O41 - aec6897 - RAID miniport driver for AEC6897/AEC6898 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aec6897.sys - (not running) - RAID miniport driver for AEC6897/AEC6898 - ACARD Technology Corp. - 9941c8c24a5e40a65b347680ad98e000
O41 - BeatTrojanHelperOne - BeatTrojanHelperOne - D:\BeatTrojan\BeatTrojanHelperOne.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - cda1000 - Adaptec Array1000Ultra160 Family Manager Set - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\cda1000.sys - (not running) - Adaptec Array1000Ultra160 Family Manager Set - Adaptec, Inc. - 5de1200c99da1a5d7dc8b6509d95ca6e
O41 - EagleNT - EagleNT - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\EagleNT.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - ewido security suite driver - ewido security suite driver - D:\security suite\guard.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - FastSx - Promise FastTRAK SX4/SX4000 Driver for Windows - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\FastSx.sys - (not running) - Promise FastTRAK SX4/SX4000 Driver for Windows - Promise Technology, Inc. - 7233d82f035917304849f35f521bdbc0
O41 - fasttrak - Promise FastTrak Series Driver for WinXP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Fasttrak.sys - (not running) - Promise FastTrak Series Driver for WinXP - Promise Technology, Inc. - eb1c078d99cc081c1d2ae3a19e2284cc
O41 - fasttx2k - Promise Driver for Windows XP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Fasttx2k.sys - (not running) - Promise Driver for Windows XP - Promise Technology, Inc. - 5d95724d3c3923449c02be1106657bcd
O41 - hpt374 - HPT374 Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hpt374.sys - (not running) - HPT374 Miniport Driver - HighPoint Technologies, Inc. - 4f824641fb33e1376d34d6f3d9e7d338
O41 - hpt3xx - HPT3xx Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hpt3xx.sys - (not running) - HPT3xx Miniport Driver - HighPoint Technologies, Inc. - 9f2dfe54317b1cd38143686935a278d9
O41 - hptmv - hptmv Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hptmv.sys - (not running) - hptmv Miniport Driver - HighPoint Technologies, Inc. - 6b78e1bcc8dbd7f2b1a21843cb2b2254
O41 - hptmv6 - hptmv6 Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hptmv6.sys - (not running) - hptmv6 Miniport Driver - HighPoint Technologies, Inc. - ca91cb60e08f18f4d678b74040f7c58e
O41 - hptpro - Hptpro - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hptpro.sys - (not running) - Hptpro - HighPoint Technologies, Inc. - 977716f8a6edda986fdb41de52bdb689
O41 - ITECIR - ITE Consumer IR Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ITECIR.sys - (not running) - ITE Consumer IR Driver - IET Tech. Inc. - a88b0b23403ddb2b1b19aeb8aafdfcee
O41 - m5281 - ALi SATA RAID Controller Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\m5281.sys - (not running) - ALi SATA RAID Controller Driver - ALi Corporation - a51cd61975297508d4483fcbf931d86c
O41 - MXD - MXD - G:\冒险岛\外挂\mxzm0611\sww.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - NPF - NPF - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\NPF.SYS - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - npkycryp - npkycryp - C:\WINDOWS\system32\npkycryp.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - p2pfilter - p2pfilter - D:\p2pover\p2pfilter.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - Pnp649r - IDE RAID miniport driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\pnp649r.sys - (not running) - IDE RAID miniport driver - CMD Technology, Inc. - 5a5a6a1003eecd15df2f383972e86188
O41 - raidsrc - Intel(r) Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\raidsrc.sys - (not running) - Intel(r) Miniport Driver - Intel - c46d405124b1eeab53cd7886781a26bd
O41 - rr232x - RR232x Miniport Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rr232x.sys - (not running) - RR232x Miniport Driver - HighPoint Technologies, Inc. - 7c0ba4a5d617210f0be8baaecc60c1c9
O41 - s - s - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\s.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - sptrak - Promise SuperTrak Family Driver for WindowsNT - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sptrak.sys - (not running) - Promise SuperTrak Family Driver for WindowsNT - Promise Technology, Inc. - b04bdc24f80ecb319f64189194399989
O41 - SVKP - SVKP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\SVKP.sys - (not running) -  -  -
O41 - Symmpi - LSI Logic Fusion-MPT MiniPort Driver (ScsiPort) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\symmpi.sys - (not running) - LSI Logic Fusion-MPT MiniPort Driver (ScsiPort) - LSI Logic - 24a0901cafcee7343ee62565bcfb7c9a
O41 - TesSafe - TesSafe NT Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\TesSafe.sys - (not running) - TesSafe NT Driver - TENCENT - 66173c8fed7f28075a6a41b164da5e0a
O41 - ULiAGP - ULi AGP Filter Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ULiAGP.SYS - (not running) - ULi AGP Filter Driver - ULi Electronics Inc. - 25ec7fd654641c4430646fde1f9971ab
O41 - ultra - Promise Ultra Series Driver for WindowsXP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Ultra.sys - (not running) - Promise Ultra Series Driver for WindowsXP - Promise Technology, Inc. - 41202827a5d13905ddd84e9f3219ddfc
O41 - viamraid - VIA AHCI RAID DRIVER FOR WIN XP/SRV2003 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\viamraid.sys - (not running) - VIA AHCI RAID DRIVER FOR WIN XP/SRV2003 - VIA Technologies inc,.ltd - 7dc3e1dc6e4f8be381c31bfea578412a
O41 - WINIO - WINIO - D:\简单游\tckpts.sys - (not running) -  -  -



2008-05-15 12:50
清理其它插件 - Windows临时文件 - C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\cfx14.tmp
清理其它插件 - Google工具栏 -
楼主  2008-5-30 16:25:31

显示全部楼层 回复

楼主  2008-5-30 16:26:11

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