
本帖最后由 杰子 于 2009-5-7 23:51 编辑

Monta 是一个乐团, 一个德国籍英国人Tobias Kuhn 撑起的乐团, 这个相貌平平的Kuhn是另一个德国乐队Miles的主唱兼吉他手。Monta

  应该算是Kuhn的一个solo project。2003年Monta发行第一张EP-AlwaysAltamont,干净优美略带一点sadcore的独立流行风格从此确立。之后Monta总是作为配角给 Death Cab for Cutie,Bright Eyes, Elbow, Naked Lunch 等乐队做助阵演出。
  2005年,Monta终于带来了一张一鸣惊人的Where Circles Begin。而这张是他07年的最新专辑。主唱的Kuhn的声线跟Death Cab ForCutie相似度达到了90%,都是比较适合演绎小indie作品的嗓子,干净,温和,有一点内敛,带一些青涩,很家常,因此让人听着舒服,并且“有一点动心”。Monta的歌词写得跟他的声音也是绝配,简洁却不粗浅,平白中又透出一点小意蕴。
  形容他的声音,苦涩,干净,淡薄。隽永的indie-pop 调子、简约的音乐来营造他的音乐空间,并泛着淡淡的伤感情怀,处处带有青葱的苦涩味道。

i’m sorry

I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me  now
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me now
As the rain starts pouring down  当大雨倾泻而下时
You're looking at the ground  你正看着那地面上
Summer dust get's washed away  被冲刷尽的夏日的尘埃
Lucky you, you've lost it all  你真幸运,你已失去一切
Take the big part - go for all  却带走了最重要的东西
I′m soaked to the bone and could easily call you now  我在雨中淋的湿透,却可以很容易地呼叫你
I'm sorry, you got me  我很抱歉,你收到了吗?
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me now
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me now  我很抱歉,你现在接受吗?
It′s for you, erase my mind  这是为了你,我清空了思绪
Save me, catch me just in time  你总会及时拯救我,
Cracking up is normal for you and me 对于你我来说, 冲突如此平常
Keep the secret safe and quiet 安静而安全地保持那些秘密吧
there's a low - i'm on your side  不管情绪多么低落,我总会在你身边
Holding the gold, which is made of paper & stone  保管着那些仅仅是用纸和石头作成的金子
I'm sorry, you got me  我很抱歉,你收到了吗?
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me now
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me now  我真的很抱歉,你现在接受吗?
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me  now
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me  now
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me  now
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me
I'm sorry, you got me  now

我喜欢每天上班的时候听着他的goodmorning stranger

我喜欢难过的时候听着他的 i‘m sorry

我喜欢一个人静静的听着 他的 this is my lie

我这收录了他所有好听的歌 要的话可以留言 我会上传给大家听
楼主  2009-5-7 20:04:53

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Monta-Goodmorning Stranger早安 陌生人

Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become
Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become

The world is a bug
Wrapped within a sheet
Always protected
In motion while we sleep
With eyes wide open
In a box ready to ship
I′m waiting for a signal
Before everyone get hit

Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become
Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become

The world is a bug
And it sucks all your blood
It′s juvenile and forgotten
It loves to be loved
The river runs deep
It covers all these lines
Every single piece of you
Every single piece of me

Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become
Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become

I wish it come back
where can lie (?)
Let down a  sleep

Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become
Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger What have you become

Good morning stranger good morning sun
Good morning stranger
楼主  2009-5-7 20:31:16

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本帖最后由 杰子 于 2009-5-7 21:00 编辑

Monta-this is my lie

楼主  2009-5-7 20:57:00

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谢谢 蹦擦擦 认同。
楼主  2009-5-7 23:44:28

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睡前 习惯性顶贴。
楼主  2009-5-8 08:09:46

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听着就想到josh rouse了,呵呵

本帖最后由 杰子 于 2009-6-7 18:46 编辑

楼主  2009-5-8 09:39:00

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