【访谈EB】Poppin Pete & Suga Pop采访(附翻译)

版块: 宁夏街盟 HipHop 街舞

TV Host: I've been told that you invented lots of the stuff.. which is called poppin?
Boogaloo Sam: Yeh…hmmm. The style is called Electric Boogaloo.
Boogaloo Sam: 恩……没错,它叫Electric Boogaloo


Poppin Pete: My brother Boogaloo Sam of course created the style that we do. Hmm.. he's from… we're actually from Fresno California, and …he's created the style like back in 1975. you know and hmm… three years later he taught me, so I started at 1978. but hmmm from there we started kinda like just hanging out, going out to clubs or house parties, and hmm trying to get the name out there and stuff, and hmmm eventually we ended up going to Hollywood and…so long story short.. we ended up on a tour. This guy named Jeff Kutash put us on a tour.
Poppin Pete: 当然是我哥Boogaloo Sam创作了我们现在跳得这种舞蹈风格…他是来自…其实我俩都是来自加州的Fresno镇。我哥大概在1975年的时候创作的这个风格。然后,三年之后他教了我,在1978年左右。从那开始,我俩就…经常出去玩儿,去Clubs或者house parties, 试着闯出点名堂。终于我们去了好莱坞,然后……长话短说,我们来了一个巡回演出。有个叫Jeff Kutash的人聘用了我们去演出。

Suga Pop: Hmmm Lockin is actually from Los Angeles. And…a lot of people have discrepancies about when poppin actually started when I came to Los Angeles. I was here. and we were only lockin, in 1978, there was only lockin.
Suga Pop: 恩…… Lockin其实来自洛杉矶。有很多人对Poppin什么时候开始的有争议,当我到洛杉矶的时候。我就在那里,我们只跳Lockin, 在1978年,只有Lockin.


Poppin Pete: Like in 1978, it was the first time I, you know, doing the style, Sam and ^&*(% a bunch of &*(* a group of guys in our neighborhood, teaching everybody, then he formed the group. And the group's.. the original name of the… his original group was Electronic Boogaloo Lockers. Cause it was one guy who…two guys who did the robot for Electronic, Sam did the Boogaloo style, and one guy who was trying to lock for Locker. And…so…and that was Electronic Boogaloo Lockers. And we got with Jeff Kutash. When everyone in the group was doing the former style that Sam created, then the group.. Jeff Kutash said the name was too long as Electronic Boogaloo Lockers, so he cut it down to Electric BoogaLOO, not BoogaLOOS at first, so we were called Electric Boogaloo.
Poppin Pete: 在1978年,我第一次,你知道,开始跳这种风格。Sam和附近的其他一些人,教大家跳这个风格,然后他就组建了这个团体。原来得这个团体叫Electronic Boogaloo Lockers。因为有两个人跳Robot,所以是Electronic, Sam跳Boogaloo风格,还有一个跳Lockin,所以是Locker,这就是Electronic Boogaloo Lockers。然后我们碰到Jeff Kutash。当团队里的人都开始跳Sam创作的风格,Jeff Kutash就说名字太长乐。所以他就把名字缩减到Electric BoogaLOO, 而不是之前得BoogaLOOs, 所以就变成Electric Boogaloo.

TV Host:as you may know, theeee creative young men have invented the dancing style that is becoming very popular, and it's described as Poppin or Boogaloo. Right Creep'n and Sam? And they'll dance this time to the Barcays (Line-Up) !
主持人:也许你们了解,这群有创造力的年轻人发明了现今开始流行起来的舞蹈风格,经常被称为Poppin或Boogaloo. 对吗 Creep’n,还有Sam? 这次他们要为大家跳一段,用Barcays的音乐!

Suga Pop: This dance has always had its movements that make it up, that we're not just doing hmmm arbitrary moves, of course we freestyle in the dance, there are several moves that make it as dance, otherwise I can't start doing flips, spinning around the floor, but it's not part of poppin, it's not part of Boogaloo. It's not the dance. So…hmm.. there are, there's always been, just like these moves in ballet, in tap, these moves in poppin and boogaloo.
Suga Pop: 这种舞蹈一直都是由它特有的动作形成的。就是说我们不是瞎跳。当然我们跳舞的时候会Freestyle,但是有一些动作使它成为这种舞蹈,否则我可以随便就打空翻,在地上打转,但这都不是Poppin或者Boogaloo. 这不是舞蹈。所以,就好像芭蕾舞,踢踏舞有它的舞步,Poppin和Boogaloo也有它的舞步。

视频 (soundtrack Cameo: I just want to be)

Poppin Pete: For us, in the terminology or in our world, when people say they have their own style of poppin that means they created this different style. And say this is my own going but there was poppin is just before you. I don't have my own style of poppin, I just have my own feel. Because if you say… you come here and say.. hey show me how to pop, each one of us is gonna do this, we're gonna show you this and this. So the technique are we all know are poppin, the flavor that we put on top, like how to hold your hands is up to you. It's like if I do this, suga pop do this, sam would do this, somebody do this. But the…the common in the arms is this, regardless.
Poppin Pete: 对我们来说,用术语来说,或在圈子里,当有人说他们有自己的Poppin风格,那意味着他们自己创造了一种不同的风格,然后他们说这是我创作得,但是Poppin就在你面前。我没有自己的Poppin风格,我只是有我自己的感觉。因为如果你问我如何Pop, 我们每个人都会做这个和这个。这个技术是我们所说的Poppin.,而在这个技术之上的味道,就好像我们如何控制自己的手,就完全随个人的感觉。就好像如果我这样做,Suga Pop那样做,Sam会这样做,有人会那样做。但是,胳膊的动作不管怎样都是这样的(pop)。

Suga Pop: Sam taught Pete, and Pete taught me. Pete dances nothing like Sam, I dance ain't like Pete. Yet we can do exactly the same movements together.
Suga Pop: Sam教的Pete, Pete教的我。但是Pete跳舞和Sam完全不同,我跳舞和Pete不同。但是我们可以一起做完全一样得动作。


Suga Pop: What they call hip hop, now is not really hip hop. It's usually, we call it, choreography, or bad jazz dances that try to make a buck. You know. Pretty much they didn't, they couldn't cut in their own things, so now they just throw the hip hop name on it. And uhh.. pretty much just giving them hmmm it's giving them leeway to do whatever they want. Because they figure hip hop's got no real moves. But that's fine. But if you're talking about poppin and lockin. We have exact movements, the exact names for them. We'll be like them jumping into the ballet world, and say hey this is our own version of ballet, and do whatever they want. It's not gonna work..
Suga Pop: 他们所说的hip hop, 现在不完全是hip hop. 它经常是,我们称之为,编舞,或者为了赚点钱的糟糕得爵士舞。你知道,他们没什么自己的东西,所以他们就灌以hip hop的名字。这样就给了他们余地想干嘛干嘛。因为他们觉得hip hop没有什么特别的动作。行!但是如果说是poppin或者lockin, 我们有明确的动作,这些动作有明确的名字。他们对我们来说,就好像是进入芭蕾舞的圈子,然后说,这是我们自己的芭蕾舞风格,然后想干嘛干嘛。这样没戏。


Poppin Pete: Like in Japan, they kinda embrace the whole old school street stuff, you know the hip hop thing for them is not to say it's new. when I was going there, they wasn't saying hip hop they were saying you know, we're old school, we're funk's dance, we do this, they would take in especially in Japan, they really get into the old soul train type, the old 70s dance stuff. So when you see, I go to an event, they would actually have you know hmm old school dance groups doing the old school street dances, like poppers and lockers (and their dressings and everything) they try to, yeh, they do whole thing were…Here it's more like it's almost a trend, over there, it’s almost a life style for a lot, a lot of those kids and people who actually been, and a lot of them that we know been doing for years that are now in their late 30s and 40s have been doing this since they were teenagers and stuff. So they still continue, they keep that that old street feel
Poppin Pete: 就好像在Japan, 他们非常拥护整个Old School Stree的东西。不是说hip hop对他们来说是新的。我去的时候,他们不说hip hop, 他们都说,我们是old school, 我们跳funk舞蹈,我们这么干。他们会,尤其在日本,吸取老式的soul train式的,老的70年代的东西。所以当你看到,比如我去一个活动,他们都是一个一个的old school 舞蹈团体,lockers和poppers,穿的也是。。。在这里(美国),它更像是一个潮流,而在那里(日本/亚洲)它几乎是一种生活方式,很多孩子,还有很多人,我们知道的,都已经30多40多的人,从年少就开始跳old school。所以他们还会继续,继续那种old street的感觉。

视频 (用了KOD2的视频 -,-)

Poppin Pete: Overseas is, has definitely embraced us. More events overseas, there's more.. and they have uhh hip hop or dance magazines that's cater straight to dancing.
Poppin Pete: 国外,绝对拥护我们。国外有更多的活动,还有。。他们还有hip hop或舞蹈的杂志,就直接针对街舞的。


Suga Pop: We don't ask for respect. In other words, just cause we've been doing it a long time, doesn't mean that people coming up in this dance have to automatically…. Oh these guys have been doing this since uhh….no we dia with everybody. This dance, we do it. Whole time this is what we do. And the day that we … I … at the top level is the day that we say hey time to pack it in and buy the book.
Suga Pop: 我们不是为了寻找尊重。或者说,我们跳了很长时间的舞,并不代表刚跳舞的人就得说‘噢那些人从老早就开始。。’不,我们和所有人一样。这个舞蹈,我们就是跳。一直以来,我们就是跳舞。如果有一天说我们。。我。。顶级了,那这天就是我们不再跳舞,然后清盘。

Poppin Pete: So it's not all we do. But this is our love. I mean uhh
Poppin Pete: 所以说虽然我们不是除了跳舞什么都不做,但是跳舞是我们的最爱。

Suga Pop: I mean, I mean we could go home… I mean I'm sure if we go in another room, there's gonna be a song, there'll be a song coming in, a dancing beat. Because that's what we love to do. It's uhh and really THAT is the real pain of it. The money comes and goes. (Write-down is on high ?? &*¥##) It's been really low. Really really low. But we just really love to dance. That's what's gonna keep me going with that. We love it.
Suga Pop: 我是说,如果我们回家。。我是说我很肯定的说,如果我们到了另一个房间,那里一定会放歌,一定会有歌出来,舞曲。因为那就是我们爱做的事情。但是,真的,这也是痛苦所在。钱来钱往,我们能拿到的非常非常少。但是我们就是真的很喜欢跳舞。这也是让我继续跳舞的原因。我们爱跳舞。

视频 (soundtrack: Prince – Sexy Dancer


楼主  2008-12-10 04:56:47

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现在NEW SCHOOL 盛行了........

funky多一点  看上去热闹些~

8过 OLD  SCHOOL毕竟是根基


说的好啊,OLD SCHOOL的东西才是最基本的,现在很多人连OLD SCHOOL都完全不了解就去跳什么NEWSTYLE,JAZZ等等东西,完全就是本末倒置。学出的东西全都是不伦不类的~~


      sugapop 说的好~~~   

      瞳总,说的更好~~          没有 foundation  做根基,  所谓的newstyle 等 新风格就如同纸老虎一样~~   

      pete 意思是 日本对 old school  都成了一种生活方式?  我靠,  那这辈子, 日本必须得去一次~~


奥特曼叔叔 我顶你哈


因为只奥特曼叔叔的 所以我使劲的顶
奥特曼叔叔 我的糖
