揭示放之四海皆成立的准则 Come To Bed


在美国乡村音乐中,一个新人的处女作专辑首周就能在乡村专辑榜上成为冠军,而且在流行专辑榜上荣耀亚军,并不是一件寻常的事,对一名大龄新人女歌手而言就更非易事。不过31岁的乡村音乐新人Gretchen Wilson就成功的做到了,这张处女作专辑在发行首周销量就突破了22万7千张,成功的占据了Billboard 200排行榜的亚军位置,对于乡村音乐来说,这是新人取得的非常罕见的成就。
应该说这是一张相当流畅的乡村音乐专辑,这张专辑之所以能够取得商业上的巨大突破,很重要一点是由于单曲《Redneck Woman》,这首先发单曲在乡村单曲榜上成为冠军,《When I Think About Cheatin'》以及《What Happened》这样优美的抒情单曲,让这张专辑听起来更丰富。而在单曲《Chariot》进行2分钟左右居然还有一段另类的说唱,这应该说也是很具创新精神的,对新人来说也是很大胆的。
而专辑中超过半数的作品都由Gretchen Wilson担任主创,可以让歌迷非常清楚的体会到这位大龄新人在成名之前所经受的辛酸,而或许是Gretchen Wilson在多年生活中经历的苦痛,才让她在表现歌曲的内容的时候更加富有感染力。尽管声线并不是特别的突出,但是她深情的演唱绝对是让听者最有感触的。非常棒的处女作专辑,非常有前途的乡村新星。听这首歌曲之前,真的不知道西方也有这样的说法“夫妻床头打架床头合好”,不过听完这首歌曲你就会明白了,原来这是一个放之四海皆成立的准则。
Gretchen Wilson/Come To Bed
Sometimes we fight
'Bout who's wrong and right
And stay up all night
And sometimes we drink
And say hurtful things
That we don't mean
Yeah, we're both screamin'
But nobody's listenin'
Let's take this madness
Out of the kitchen
Come to bed
Let's just lay down
There's just one way
We're gonna work this out
Forget what I did
Forget what you said
Oh, darlin' (darlin')
Come to bed
Well, I love you
You know I do
And you love me, too
So let's just stop
Remember what we've got
Before it all gets lost
Just take my hand
It's been way too long
Turn out the lights
And turn each other on
Come to bed
Let's just lay down
There's just one way
We're gonna work this out
Forget what I did
Forget what you said
Oh, darlin' (darlin')
Come to bed
And let's put aside our pride
For feelin's for tonight
In the mornin' we'll see things
In a different light
Just come to bed
Let's just lay down
There's just one way
We're gonna work it out
Forget what I did
Forget what you said
Oh, darlin' (darlin')
Come to bed

