【原创】Open Your Eyes,把自己宣泄出来

<P><IMG src="http://www.alterbridge.com/images/noFlash/main/abNFl09.jpg" border=0></P>
<P>乐队介绍:<BR><BR>Alter Bridge,或許你會以為這是個新樂團,但其實它並不全然是。 Alter Bridge &#61308;主力創作者兼吉他手 Mark Tremonti (馬克崔莫提)、鼓手 Scott Stapp (史考特菲利浦)、貝斯手 Brian Marshall (布萊恩馬修)、和主唱兼吉他手 Myles Kennedy,其中有三位便是來自於大名鼎鼎&#61308; Creed 樂團。 就在去年 6 月初,多屆葛萊美最佳搖滾樂團贏莉"Creed (主義合唱團)"在合作 8 年後,宣佈解散。<BR><BR>这张专辑是我在周六到购书中心路经天河城的后门处掏到的,这张专辑里最有代表性的歌曲无疑是这首Open my eyes了。Open my eyes的车库曲风以及大段的老式金属Solo,加上主唱磁性的唱腔和深入的唱词,一首歌听了很久都不想停下。激情的乐队唱出来的歌同样激情,也许这就是摇滚艺人们一贯的激情吧,时常想象自己也能象摇滚艺人们站在舞台上撕声裂肺地呐喊,把心中的所有感觉通过喉咙宣泄出来,和舞台下的乐迷们一起疯狂,一起尖叫。嘿嘿,天马行空,无拘无束,正是我现在想法的写照吧<BR><BR><BR>Alter Bridge - Open my eyes<BR><BR>Looking back, I clearly see<BR>What it is, that s killing me<BR>Through the eyes, I wanna know<BR>I see a vision, once let go<BR>I had it all<BR>Constantly it burdens me<BR>So hard a choice, I can t believe<BR>I lost the faith, I lost the love<BR>But when the day is done<BR><BR>Will they open their eyes<BR>And realize, we re one<BR>On and on, we stand alone<BR>Until our day is gone<BR>When they open their eyes<BR>And realize, we re one<BR><BR>I love the way you feel today<BR>Now I know the sun will fade<BR>Darker days seem to be<BR>What will always live in me<BR>But still I run<BR>It s hard to walk this path alone<BR>Hard to know which way to go<BR>Will I ever stay the same, will it ever change?<BR><BR>Will they open their eyes<BR>And realize, we re one<BR>Still the pain we carry on<BR>I know our day will come<BR>Will they open their eyes<BR>And realize, we re one<BR><BR>Will they open their eyes<BR>And realize, we re one<BR>(It s hard to walk this path alone)<BR>(Hard to know which way to go)<BR>When they open their eyes<BR>And realize, we re one<BR>(We lost the faith, we lost the love)<BR>(But when the day is done)<BR>Will they open their eyes<BR>And realize, we re one<BR></P>




