壹個小村LIVE-HOUSE 【布衣[老吴]+化现场】2013年4月19日周五

版块: 街头部落 演出活动报
壹個小村LIVE-HOUSE 布衣(老吴)+ACID化现场】 /演出时间:2013年4月19日晚8:30 / 风格:funk,电子,酸爵士,indie, 嘻哈等/ 门票:100预售/120现场/ [悄悄告诉你个事,门票里面含了点儿酒水---啤酒(不限量)+威士忌+伏特加+金酒+龙舌兰+白兰地(烈酒共50支)我想差不多够喝一壶了,姑娘们、爷们们,别噢~,想说什么回复我 ]地址:石嘴山市大武口区世纪朝阳广场四层E座壹個小村现场,TEL:0952-5818887(13:00--23:30)
化现场 豆瓣小站
吴宁越 化现场 爱与性故事

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2013-3-19 09:12 上传
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ACID Live 化现场

他们的音乐很丰富,他们的现场很带劲!2009年4月,当Acid live(化现场)首次在北京“两个好朋友”酒吧登台时,所有的观众都玩疯了。

独立,前卫,时髦,自由,迷幻 -- 这支以“化”为主题的现场乐队,诞生之初就给充斥着各类演出的京城带来不一样的声音。

在这一全新的现场背后,是一次次关于音乐的大胆探索。来自中外的优秀音乐人,将funk,电子,酸爵士,indie, 嘻哈等音乐风格进行融合并演绎。


如此迷人的乐队现场,你又怎能拒绝?毫无疑问,他们迅速走红。多场演出后,Acid live(化现场) 制造出火爆的现场演出佳绩,开始引领一种崭新的音乐潮流。
壹個小村LIVE-HOUSE 2013-04-19 现场见!

Their music is rich, their peformance is ernergitic! In April 2009, ACID Live first performanced at 2 Kolegas in Beijing. It was well received by the audiences.

Independent, arvant-garde, stylish, freedom, psychedelic. Hua means chemical, transformation, its represents a new era of inspirational multicultural art. Musicians come together, in what is a new step in the evolution of the vibrant scene in Beijing. We aim to exchange ideas and styles with artists from all around the world and through the international medium of sound and color leave every participant with a deeper impression of culture, art and music.

ACID Live's music is a new step of exploration into the bejing music scene. The members come from all over places, music from funk, electro, acid jazz, indies, hip hop ext... melting together and diverse into a new music genre. This is what “HUA” means.

After over numerous shows at Yugong Yishan, 2 Kolegas, Mao Livehouse and other livehouses, no doubt, ACID Live is getting popular tremendously. And its leading a new genre in the local music scence.

ONE VILLAGE LIVE-HOUSE 2013-04-19 The scene!
