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I always sob by myself

已有 670 次阅读2009-4-3 09:40

Did not know when the friend did ask why I do take a person to sob


I only am tell him you not to understand me not to understand me lonelily

我只是告诉他 你不懂我 不懂我的孤单

Simple has been living I to satisfy very happily very much every day
But always thought or lacks any
I am the desolate child who lacks loves
I always like a person travelling stand I confused feel helpless I in the broad desert first to feel the fear
我总是喜欢一个人旅行 站在广阔的沙漠 我迷茫 不知所措 我第一感觉到害怕
I cried first time to feel oneself such no use to such incompetent facing this all me
我哭了 面对这一切我第一次感觉自己那么的无助 那么的无能
The harbor which even if has been through repeatedly the tiercel which wind and rain they also has oneself rests even if in is worn-out it also is delightful
即使是历经风雨的雄鹰 它们也有自己歇息的港湾 即使在破旧它也是甜美的
But pitiful I am also searching high and low belong to my harbor
而可怜的我 还在四处寻找属于我的港湾


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